Negative Energy from your DNA

I will turn off negative energy from your dna

About This Service

In our lives we know the existence of DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid)
is a nucleic acid that stores all information about genetics. 
DNA is what determines hair type, skin color, and 
special human characteristics. Everyone has unique DNA. 
DNA is genetic material that carries information that can be derived. 
In human cells, DNA can be found inside 
the cell nucleus and inside the mitochondria.

Sometimes some of the properties inherited from DNA you don't like
and save the negative energy you want to change into Positive

DNA can be influenced by Chi, with this I can help you in 
changing the negative to positive therapy

Benefit of DNA Therapy:

  • Clear Negative and toxic energy 
  • Create More Luck
  • Feel more Empty


Basic therapy


Turn off negative energy in DNA 1 session 1 Person

 3 Days Delivery    

What's Included

  • Multiple Package Plans - DNA 1 session 1 Person

Platinum Package


Turn off negative energy in DNA 2 session 1 Person

 3 Days Delivery    

What's Included

  • Multiple Package Plans - DNA 2 session 1 Person

Recommended Family Package


Turn off negative energy in DNA 2 session all your family

 3 Days Delivery    

What's Included

  • Multiple Package Plans - DNA 2 session all your family

Compare Package

Package Basic
Multiple Package Plans DNA 1 session 1 Person DNA 2 session 1 Person DNA 2 session all your family
Total $45